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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar’s new year. In Chinese, Spring Festival is called “Chun Jie”. It is often in February, but the date is different each year. People buy presents, decorations, and food for the festival. They also clean their houses and put up red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. On New Year\'s Eve, families have a big dinner together and watch CCTV Spring Festival Gala. People set off fireworks at midnight to celebrate the coming of the new year. During the Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and friends, exchange red envelopes with money, and wish each other good luck in the new year.

As for me, celebrating Spring Festival is always exciting and joyful. I look forward to the festivities and the reunion with my family. We always prepare a variety of traditional Chinese dishes for our New Year\'s Eve dinner. The aroma of the food fills the air and brings immense joy to our hearts. After dinner, we gather around the TV to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, laughing and enjoying the performances together. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to ring in the new year with a bang. The highlight of the festival for me is receiving red envelopes from my elders. It is a symbol of good luck and blessings for the year ahead. Overall, Spring Festival is a time of happiness, warmth, and love for me and my family.


1. East or west, home is best. No matter how far we travel, there\'s no place like home during the festival. It\'s where we find comfort, warmth, and a sense of belonging.

2. The tradition of eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes family reunion and the sweetness of life. Just like the mooncake that is eaten away, the memories and love shared during the festival remain in our hearts forever.

3. The vibrant red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets that adorn the streets during the Spring Festival create a festive atmosphere and bring blessings and good luck to everyone.


Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. It is a time of great significance and joy for the Chinese people. In my family, we celebrate Spring Festival with great enthusiasm and traditional customs.

During the festival, our house is filled with the aroma of delicious food. We prepare various dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and nian gao (sticky rice cake), which are all symbolic of good luck and prosperity. The reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve is the most important meal of the year for us. We gather around the table and enjoy the feast together, sharing stories and laughter.

After the dinner, we set off fireworks and firecrackers to chase away evil spirits and welcome the arrival of the new year. The vibrant colors and loud sounds fill the air, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. We also decorate our house with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets to bring good luck and blessings for the coming year.

During the festival, I visit my relatives and friends, exchanging greetings and blessings. The tradition of giving and receiving red envelopes filled with money is always exciting, especially for children like me. It represents good fortune and prosperity for the year ahead.

Overall, celebrating Spring Festival is a time of joy, love, and togetherness. It is a time to cherish our traditions, strengthen family bonds, and foster a sense of community. It is my favorite festival, and I look forward to it every year.

一篇关于春节怎么过的英语作文 - 188****3726 的回答 - 懂得

Feeling introverted and wanting to become more outgoing is a common concern for many individuals. It often seems that being extroverted is more suitable for today\'s society and facilitates better social interactions. However, it is important to recognize and embrace the value of different personality traits.

Being introverted can have its own strengths and advantages. Introverts are often more reflective, thoughtful, and attentive listeners. They can excel in activities that require focused attention and deep thinking. While extroverts may thrive in social settings, introverts have their own unique abilities to contribute to society.

Embracing and accepting one\'s introverted nature is crucial for personal well-being. It is essential to understand that introverts recharge their energy by spending time alone or engaging in solitary activities. This self-reflection and introspection allow introverts to understand themselves better and cultivate creativity and empathy.

While it may be beneficial to push oneself out of the comfort zone occasionally and engage in social activities, introverts should not feel pressured to conform to extroverted expectations. It is perfectly okay to enjoy the tranquility and solitude that introverts find comfort in. What matters most is finding a balance that allows for personal growth and happiness.

Ultimately, introverted individuals have their own unique perspectives and contributions to make, and society should appreciate and value these qualities. It is essential to celebrate diversity and recognize that both introverts and extroverts have their own strengths to offer. So, embrace your introverted nature and embrace the opportunities for growth and self-discovery that come with it.


During the Spring Festival, people use red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets to decorate their homes. These decorations symbolize good luck and bring a festive atmosphere to the streets. The traditional practice of giving and receiving red envelopes filled with money is a common tradition during the festival. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off at midnight to celebrate and ward off evil spirits. Families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, sharing delicious food and warm conversations. Overall, Spring Festival is a time of joy, tradition, and unity for the Chinese people.

初二英语上册有关新年的英语作文三篇 - 懂得

New Year: The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important festival for all of us. It is a time of great joy and celebration. During the festival, people clean their houses, buy new clothes, and decorate their homes with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. Families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, where they enjoy delicious food and exchange blessings. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off at midnight to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year. The festival lasts for fifteen days, filled with various traditions and customs. It is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together and create lasting memories.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a highly anticipated festival in China. It is celebrated in February, and people decorate their homes with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. Families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, enjoying delicious food and exchanging greetings. Fireworks and firecrackers light up the sky at midnight, adding excitement to the festivities. It is a time of joy, celebration, and renewal for the Chinese people.


Hello! I\'m Li Hua. I am sixteen years old and I\'m a middle school student. I study in Beijing, China. Today, I would like to tell you how Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival.

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and welcome the new year. The festival usually falls in February, but the date varies each year according to the lunar calendar.

During Spring Festival, families clean their houses to get rid of bad luck and welcome good luck. We also decorate our homes with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. Red is considered an auspicious color and brings good luck and fortune.

On New Year\'s Eve, families gather for a reunion dinner. We prepare a variety of delicious dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cake. Eating these dishes symbolizes prosperity and good luck for the coming year.

After dinner, we set off fireworks and firecrackers. It is believed that the loud noises can scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. The streets are filled with colorful lights and joyous celebrations.

During Spring Festival, children receive red envelopes filled with money from their elders. This is a gesture of good luck and blessings for the new year. We also visit our relatives and friends, exchange greetings and blessings, and enjoy festive activities such as lion dances and dragon dances.

Spring Festival is a time of joy, family, and tradition. It is a time when Chinese people come together to celebrate and cherish our cultural heritage. I always look forward to Spring Festival because it brings warmth, happiness, and good fortune to everyone. Thank you for listening!


Spring Festival is an important festival in China. Before the festival, people usually clean their houses and decorate them with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets to drive away evil spirits and welcome good luck. Families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, enjoying a sumptuous feast and exchanging blessings for the coming year. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off at midnight to celebrate the arrival of the new year. During the festival, people visit relatives and friends, exchange red envelopes filled with money, and wish each other good luck and happiness for the year ahead. It is a time of joy, love, and togetherness for the Chinese people.


Dear Jeenny,

Do you want to know about Spring Festival? Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and it is a time of great celebration and joy for the Chinese people.

During Spring Festival, families decorate their homes with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. Red is considered an auspicious color and represents good luck and fortune. Families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, where they enjoy a delicious feast and exchange blessings for the coming year.

Fireworks and firecrackers are set off at midnight to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year. The night sky lights up with colorful displays, filling the air with excitement and joy.

During the festival, children receive red envelopes filled with money from their elders. This is a symbol of good luck and blessings for the year ahead. Families also visit temples to pray for good fortune and health.

Spring Festival is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together and celebrate. It is a time to cherish our traditions and customs, to reflect on the past and look forward to a prosperous future.

I hope this gives you some insight into how Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival. It is a time filled with love, happiness, and good wishes. Thank you for your interest, and I wish you a happy Spring Festival!